

  • I am 5'2 and 115 pounds. I just started insanity for the second time. Does anyone know how many calories to eat if you are nursing?
  • I love Zumba. I try to go to a class about three times a week. I am about 5'2 and 113 pounds. I am a thirty year-old woman. :smile: I am just wondering if anyone with my similar build and age has done Zumba and been able to figure out how many calories they burn in an hour. I never know how much I burn! I'm sure I over eat…
    in zumba Comment by shannonhales April 2011
  • Haha! I am very worried about girl scout cookies and Easter candy right now! I've decided to just allow myself one girl scout cookie and just a few of those Cadbury mini eggs now and then. Not really worth it, but something in my head just won't let me leave them alone completely. :)