

  • The best investment I made was hired a personal trainer for 6 weeks 3 times a week. I spent about 550.00. He designed a program for me and met me at my office gym three times a week. When I was working out you could really see a difference and he taught me how to use all the equipment safely and have a modified program for…
  • Okay this may sound weird. However, you just soak the tuna in plain old white vinegar and throw on some pepper and eat it out of a bowl. For some reason my Dad thought this was a great snack and I got hooked. I love all your other suggestions. Some nice twists to a classic favorite.
  • I have joined MFP 3 days ago. Enough is Enough. I have 50 - 60 lbs to lose. I am worried about exercise as I have two herniated discs (from two years ago), still causing me major pain. Also degenerative sacroiliac joint (hip) that is problematic. Any suggestions on how to exercise without killing myself.
  • Celery is excellent full of fiber. Supposedly has a negative calorie effect Try eating a handful of stalks before each meal. Also roasted red peppers on the side with each meal is great. One poached egg in the morning really helps. Research has said people who eat one whole poached egg in the morning tend to eat 400 less…
  • Aspartme studies from 50's and 60's show it will kill you, by causing tumors. Also increases unhealthy gut bacteria, which causes belly fat (increases in Candida - a bacterial parasite which makes you crave crabs, sugar etc)
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