

  • I dont get why people are comparing their low weight to Rachel's. If a low weight is healthy on you, thats great. Its not healthy on Rachel. And when youre already 150 lbs, theres nothing healthy about losing 15lbs a month for 3 months. If you actually watched the show, you would see the complete lack of muscle mass in her…
  • There was no advocating of the methods used by the biggest loser above. And no, putting 100% into losing weight does not mean you cant focus on the other aspects of your life. It just means you carve out time and 100% devote that time to working out and giving it your full effort and being devoted to eating a healthy,…
  • Did you watch the finale? Have you seen Rachel's journey throughout this season? Just watching her talk you could see how much this drastic weightloss affected her; she had deep wrinkles and looked like she had aged since the last episode. If you saw her hug Allison after winning, you would see how much muscle mass she has…