

  • I just bought a Myotape from Amazon in the UK- it seems much better than a normal tape measure because it is harder to cheat because it provides the same amount of tension each time, so you get a more consistent result. I would definitely recommend it.
  • I'm on Novorapid and Lantus, with Metformin (slow release) at night. Lantus is split- 25 at lunchtime and 25 at night. Novorapid is taken at each meal, the quantity varies depending on the meal and blood sugars, but a 'typical' dose would be 20 units. As with everybody else the carbs taken to sort out hypos makes it…
  • Thanks for the comments. I am used to managing my diabetes through measuring carb intake and taking the appropriate amount of insulin (the Dafne method in the UK), but it takes too much time and effort without a good tool to make it easier. MFP lets me keep on top of my calorie and carb, but unfortunately doesn't help me…
  • Hello. I am 48 and have been a type 1 diabetic for 23 years, on injections all the time. My weight has grown slowly since being diagnosed, although there are of course lots of other factors involved, including less exercise and middle age. Over 23 years I have gradually put on about 5 stone (70 lbs)- about 3lbs per year. I…