Fredhatfield2 Member


  • I commute to work and ride about 20 miles a day. Each ride is about 8.7 miles, but I usually tack on a few after work. I don't have any specific goals for March, but I'll make one: To complete the ride in under 40 minutes. I've done it before, but not since winter hit! For some reason, my times are always slower when it's…
  • Like I need to do some tricep pushdowns or dips!
  • I've never heard the one about once you stop drinking them you gain weight! Certainly not true unless there is some other factor involved (which I can't imagine what that would might be). As for them helping you lose weight, sure they can. But only in the context of making them a part of a balanced diet. More specifically,…
  • Wine for me is an enjoyable occasion. A drink to have while reflecting on my week and enjoyment of the flavor. Almost an event in itself! Beer on the other hand is a personal weakness.... It's a quick after work drink just to unwind, and it piles on the calories. For me, it's not a problem as I'm trying to gain weight, but…
    in WINE Comment by Fredhatfield2 March 2014
  • I'd like to do an organized ride in the future, but this year I definitely want to do a century ride: organized or on my own.
  • I was going to mention I have been doing a little bit of running lately (due to lots of snow and ice on the roads), but I changed my mind; I won't mention it! I'd rather cycle! But this spring I think I might do some hill training and sprints. Why? Don't know....
  • Hi Y'all.... I'm new to the group. I've been riding now about 3 years and commute to work on my bike. It's between 18-20 miles a day, but I usually get over a 100 for the week. I'm 44 (never felt younger!) and live in Maryland. Right now I'm riding a Schwinn Varsity hybrid, but am looking to upgrade within the next 6…
  • I own three but only one is up and running! Sometime this spring I'm going to take my toolbox and learn to fix bikes.... Hope to get at least one of them up and running as a backup.
  • I'm doing a little running now, but soon my running will be more hill training and sprints. I am a cyclist though, who rides about 20 miles a day, and am getting back into lifting as well. I also love to track my diet, eating healthier, and track my fitness numbers. If you feel like having a cycling friend who does that…
  • The best way to gain weight is resistance exercises. I assume you want it to be muscle and not fat, right? Push ups, sit ups, dips, one leg squats and pull ups are a good start, but sooner or later you might want to move up to weight training. That's a lot to talk about so if you are interested I'll elaborate. As for diet,…
  • Hello, I'm 44 and from Maryland. Feel free to ad me. I'd love to hear what others are doing, talk about what I'm doing!
  • Harford County! I'm doing a lot of cycling and actually would like to gain a few pounds (gonna have to hit the weights to do it!). I commute to work on my bike and ride about 20 miles a day. Right now, just doing pushups situps and pullups, but I'm going to add a few more things tomorrow.
  • Not quite "knocking on 50" yet.... But I'm close. I'm paying closer care to my health than I ever have so I don't have to do anything drastic later! Wish you the best!
  • You have my support ojaifoods!!!! Take it day by day! The tools on myfitnesspal are pretty good.... They should be of help!