alternativemommy Member


  • Wow, people are still posting on here! :smiley: I'm Kelli, I've been running since high school (track and cross country) but I was never very good at it and pretty lazy (probably why I wasn't very good). I've run on and off since but after I had my twins I started and haven't stopped (or haven't wanted to stop). Seems like…
  • I run at night a lot as well because of the hours I work and having 3 kids (there's no chance in hell I'm waking up early). I generally make sure I have reflectives on, a flashing light of some sort, and my pepper spray (never had to use it). I think it sounds like you are pretty well protected (from cars and creepers). It…
  • I always need my phone, bluetooth headphones, and running belt (with water bottles for the long run or without for shorter distances).
  • If you run, you're a runner. :-)
  • Make sure you have some good shoes, get properly fit. A lot of my leg pain and feet pain went away when I got what was right for my feet and the way I run. Start with just a little at a time, work your way up. Join a running club for some support. I'm not sure what you mean by tying your ankles in but that sounds rough.
  • General rule of thumb is to increase by 10%. I generally don't increase more than 1 mile on my long run days. (I keep to 2-3 shorter distances per week and 1 long run on the weekend). Best of luck.
  • I don't really label myself because I can be fluid between kind of feminine and butch but I lean more towards butch most days with a feminine flare!
  • ;-) who doesnt need more of that to look at?!
  • I have a hard time relating but I do have a fascination with this subject. I've read "She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders" by Jennifer Finney Boylan which is a nonfiction story very similar to what you are describing. If nothing else, it'll be a good read and you'll know there are others out there just like you. I've…
  • Hello! New to the boards! I'm from the Cleveland area and am looking for friends. :-) I'm bi-sexual and currently married to a man but could use from lady friends!
  • I'm a gender bender when it comes to style. Generally I wear women's clothing to work but not girly clothing (please don't confuse the two!) But I usually wear men's pants on the weekends with t-shirts which are gender neutral...although I do own a dress or two. Butch is more of an attitude! Clothing does help though with…