ispymo Member


  • Thanks for the reply. I am starting to think it might be more of an ear thing as my balance is going, like I said I hate booking Drs apps for them to make me feel like I'm wasting time, but it might have to be so!
  • I've had all anemia tested and I'm 'slightly' low but no cause for concern. My Mum is anaemic though so maybe I'm heading that way too. I have never really trained for this event - and never felt this bad. But like I said my Low BP and dizziness has been something that has come on over the last year. I know there's nothing…
  • Yeah, I am trying! GP given me minimal help with it though 'lie down when you feel dizzy..' errr I feel dizzy 90% of the time so thats useless...
  • Yeah when I can manage to get myself to the kitchen I'm gonna have some protein, salt and lucozade. I do get it a fair bit it just feel so much worse today
  • I've not been eating very well for the past few weeks and have come off MFP really, so haven't been on a calorie defecit. Yesterday I hate about 1,500 calories and did 67,000 steps (2,417 extra calories) according to MFP. Yeah they have said that dizziness is a sign of Low BP, but are putting it down to my anxiety at the…
  • I always have a mugshot! Just fill it with hot water and it's so filling, so many different flavours - I like chicken and mushroom!
  • I'm very interested in this thread. As someone who has had trouble sleeping since the days of univeristy (I work SO much better at night when there's nothing to distract me that if it weren't for lectures/shops/seeing people who weren't nocturnal I probably would have developed the sleeping habits of a hamster) I've now…