

  • I'm on rest week of block two about to start block three, I am very excited about this final block. I've lost only one pound throughout the last block, but over all I've lost 3 inches off my waist and 1.5 inches off my chest. I can honestly say I've never been this heavy and also this thin at the same time. I was getting…
  • Things have been going well for me after I got discouraged. I kept up with it. And I'm starting to see a difference mainly in my core, I'm getting my ab definition back, and I haven't really had that since college. I'm almost done with the second block of P90X3, and one thing that I've found beneficial to my workouts is to…
  • I just finished my first round of Triometrics, and man that thing totally kicked my *kitten*. I loved the Eccentric upper yesterday and am excited about eccentric lower coming up. I'm trying not to get on a scale for the time being, because that really only discourages me. I do feel tighter in my core. I can feel tighter…
  • Thanks, I really appreciate the kind words, I'm gonna stick to it as best I can. I've done really well the past month and I think I can finish strong. I just haven't weighed myself since that first week, and when I saw that it was like, really, nothing else lost. Great...But from what I'm seeing too, people aren't really…