Lyndal816 Member


  • Hi. I agree with the rest of the folks -- adding something new to the exercise program might help (how about a hula hoop :D ). I am NOT an expert at losing weight -- however I am an expert at getting frustrated while on a diet. Why are you dieting -- not how many pounds you want to lose, but the real reason you are on a…
  • Thanks for your positive feedback.
  • Welcome. You've joined a great supportive group. Feel free to add me to your list of friends.
    in Newbie Comment by Lyndal816 January 2015
  • Welcome. You've joined a great group. Everyone is very supportive.
  • I am back also. Together, we will do it.
  • What a fun way to start the new year. Thanks for the smiles...
  • I am shooting for one perfect day -- beginning September 22, 2014 (I've already blown September 21, 2014) so I might as well go for the perfect tomorrow.
  • Welcome, Sloshmog, I have been a member for 60 days now -- this time. What is different than all the other times is that I decided to become part of the community. I've made myself vulnerable and, as a result, my new friends have welcomed me into their lives. I hope you find what you are looking for and that you journey is…
  • Hi and welcome to the group. I have lost about a bazillion pounds throughout the years, only to gain back about a bazillion and 50. I am here to stay because I want to finally figure this weight thing out. So far the friends I've met through My Fitness Pall have offered so much encouragement. I hope you find the same…
  • Hi and welcome to the group. I find that logging helps me when I have the "convenient amnesia" that I often suffer from. Lyndal
  • Well, I didn't even look at this Wednesday morning log in thing because I KNEW I was THE only one that had gained. I am not changing my "ticker" but I did gain 1.8 pounds :sad: I did want to support all of you, so I decided to look and give you all my thumbs up for having such a great week. Now this is what I call REALLY…
  • ...and we are working towards that???? :noway:
  • Linda, Being diagnosed with diabetes is such hard blow. I was diagnosed right after I had a surgery several years ago. It is not the end of the world, however I can understand why that huge word can change everything. Now you have to deal with Metabolic Syndrome -- which, as you know is the addition of those other things…
    in help Comment by Lyndal816 August 2014
  • He was an awesome human being...I am so sorry he hurt so much. Thank you for sharing this.
  • Well, it sounds as though we are off to a great start for this week. Deb, three pounds is awesome. A HUGE congrats to bvifun for reaching goal and for computershare for getting so close. I can't wait to join you someday in the very far future. jbouthiette -- 1.5 pounds is awesome. :happy: I weighed yesterday (after…
  • I am pleased to report that I am down .8 of a pound. This week: 1. I was able to try out my newly "revised" foot and ankle without the cast. While it was tender, each day was easier. 2. I opened my food diary to my friends (and that was a HUGE thing for me to do). 3. I posted my first blog and because I had so many…
  • The math is day at a time, one pound at a time. That is all you need to do. Yesterday is over, tomorrow is yet to come, today is all you get. Lyndal
  • I think obsessing about food is what brought us all together. I remember when I was on one of my many Weight Watchers adventures and I had eaten all of my "points" for the day. I went to bed about 6:00 so that I would be tempted. The next day I decided I wanted to be prepared for the next time I was obsessing about food --…
  • I have not seen the movie The Transformers, but you SHOULD be the star! :happy: What a beautiful transformers...and the smile remained the same throughout the transformation. Great job.
  • I realize it is the journey and not the actual destination that makes life worth living. My relationship with food had a story to tell, so I told it. And regardless of what the numbers reveal on any particular scale, I can choose to be happy (or not) about the results. Who knew I could have that much power! I am in the…
  • I did not mean to forget jeanmrob, vespertide, and wandakc. To jeanmrob and vespertide, you are my heros. Neither of you decided to beat yourselves up for a tiny gain. That has been my downfall in every diet I've ever been on. I feel wonderful when I am losing but the minute I gain even a little bit, I feel as though I…
  • Well, I stayed the same this week -- and I even shaved my legs last night! That should have counted for something. :wink: I would have thought that with all the Physical Therapy I've been doing, I would have lost something. My husband, who is NOT even trying, did however lose 4 pounds. :heart: I did decide, however, that I…
  • Several years ago, I weighed 278 pounds and had to have an abdominal surgery -- not the bariatric kind but my size required the bariatric type of bed. One of the surgery nurses wheeled me into the surgery room. As soon as she got behind my bariatric gurney and started pushing me, I apologized to her as she wheeled me down…
  • I am still trying to figure out how to do this stuff. I tried to reply to one of the posts but ended up just having another post.
  • Well, this is y first Wednesday morning check-in. As a life-time dieter, I'm used to starting a program on Monday -- not Wednesday. I am happy to report that I weigh three pounds less than I did when I started!!! :happy: Writing everything down is the key...and knowing that I have a group of folks who are right there with…
  • Thanks for taking the time to welcome me. I look forward to better health and becoming part of the community. Lyndal
  • Hi, My name is Lyndal and I live in Arizona. I am a lifetime dieter...heavy sigh. I am 61 years old, have type 2 diabetes, and need to lose 100 pounds. I been on and off (mostly off) with My Fitness Pal and have never really reached out to join a group. I want to be healthy and I want to finally master my weight. I just…