laughingladyb Member


  • Most OB-Gyn and most Pediatricians do not know much about breastfeeding. Talk to a Lactation Consultant or a La Leche League Leader! Protecting the milk supply is your first job. That is your baby's food and nutrition! You can lose weight while breastfeeding! Just go slowly and sensibly and it will happen! Be active and…
  • I do love the elementary school setting! I am not sure I could tolerate middle or high schoolers!
  • I am a single mom of five kids ages, 29, 25, 22, 20, and 17. Their father and I divorced after almost 28 years of marriage. He had a problem with his marriage vows and drinking... When we divorced I still had 3 kids living at home and now I am down to just the 17 year old. This past year has been filled with more stress…
  • I am new too. Just found this website and joined last night. I am hoping for support and encouragement! I was a stay at home mom for 19 years and loved it. I did homeschool my oldest for several years but life got too complicated. I have many friends who homeschool. I am now working full time at an elementary school as an…
  • Hi Diane, I am also new. I just started this adventure yesterday. :) Belinda
  • I've been reading lots about the Paleo diets and working at cutting grains out of my diet. I have read nothing but good stuff about it! Will be incorporating it into my new way of thinking about eating!
  • I am 55 years old and just signed up this evening. I am in Kansas City and looking for support and encouragement along this journey.