razcasket Member


  • Today's top choice? Bacterial Breakdown by Desecration
  • So you're a Skwisgaar fan then?
  • I mentioned these! As an aside, my band supported 1349 on one of their Aural Hellfire 2011 UK tour dates :) *edit - Forgot to say, feel free to add me!
  • Another one here, although slightly different from the majority of replies so far. Some of my favourites include: 1349 Cirith Gorgor Mayhem Darkthrone Behemoth Skeletonwitch Gorgoroth Misery Index Wormrot Napalm Death Insect Warfare and so on... And in answer to an earlier question, yes I play guitar, bass and drums
  • 1349 Mayhem Immortal Meads of Asphodel Anaal Nathrakh Municipal Waste Celtic Frost/Triptykon Pantera Behemoth Cirith Gorgor In no particular order
  • Some good suggestions here Yes! I don't normally listen to Zombie when working out as the tempo doesn't always fit, but this is an awesome choice! When I go riding I normally have Hazardous Mutation, Art of Partying, Massive Aggresive and Fatal Feast on shuffle When I'm running I prefer a bit of grindcore to motivate me,…