

  • Just turned 47............and it is never going to be any easier than today to loose some weight. Started this back in Jan. but have been less than diligent. Need to get serious.
  • I committed myself to lose 100 lb.s in 2014........can't say how many times I have done 3 months BFL or this program or that, and been fully focused with good results. Then I go back to old habits to celebrate, and my highs weight always seems to get a little higher than last time. So going for 12 months...no booze, no…
  • Sorry I don't really have any recipes.....Jennie-o turkey patty, and a southwest salad, the easier for me to cook the better.
  • Hi everyone!!! My name is Paul, I am 46 father of 3 great children ranging from 9 to 5. I have done weightloss programs before, nutrisystem, BFL etc. I usually do them for a couple months, have great success, then go back to the "fat and happy" plan. The problem is I keep topping out higher on the scale. I hit my lifetime…
    in Welcome! Comment by pjsipe January 2014
  • Way to go Mwyle. This post caught my eye, because I was just thinking of how I was going to reward and what my next milestone was going to be, and it was buying a pair of jeans that didn't sag to the back of my thighs just so the waist fits....LOL
  • I like the weekly weigh in idea. What day each week? I gave myself a goal to drop 100#s this year and I am not going to do it without making progress each week. 6'0 at 316 on my way to GW of 223