

  • Start weight: 177 Goal Weight (by the end of the challenge): 157 Goal Aim: 20 Lbs to go: 20 09/19: 177 09/26: 10/03: 10/10: 10/17: 10/24: 10/31: 11/07: 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/26:
  • In the last month I developed PF. I'm wearing the boot and I get fitted for custom orthotics next Tuesday. I'm hoping that with stretching, the boot, and the custom orthotics that I will be able to help it heal.
  • Sorry I'm new here. What is TDEE? When you exercise and burn (for instance) 500 calories that some of you are not eating those added calories. Am I understanding this correctly? I'm not eating the additional calories as I feel that it won't help me in the long run. Thanks!