
  • Will jump back in. I need to. Started out last year at 315 or so, got down to about 244 at my lowest around last June. Been trending back up as eating has been WAY up the last 4-5 months again. Current weight 262. put me on the chart, hopefully will keep me more accountable and motivated.
  • BTW, my eating has been garbage lately, but at least i can seem to keep my weight around the 246 mark. better than when i was eating garbage at the 310 mark...
  • Thanks for the kind words guys, yeah, not sure what is going on right now. I guess i have always gone thru peaks and valleys, but in the past i would just drink thru them. Just gotta shake it off somehow, and you are right, going back to the bottle would absolutely destroy any progress i have made as a human being in…
  • Holding on for dear life at 246 right now. Eating is way up, just been depressed lately. Not sure what is going on with me, but it sucks. Job sucks. At this point, i am just trying not to go back to drinking. I might leave this group and shut down this account, i dunno.
  • Yeah, i gave up drinking a few years ago, just had to. I can't IMAGINE try to lose weight but still drinking. Of course i wasn't the guy who had a beer or two, i had a beer or 20.
  • Think I will give that liquid diet a try myself. We are talking about beer, right? :smokin:
  • Thanks for the kind words as always Tim. Yeah, i was cruising till about 2-3 weeks ago, seems to be a struggle now. Not sure why, just seem hungrier lately. Good job to everyone. To the new guy, this is a great support for each other here. Let's keep shedding some pounds for the summer men!
  • You sound like me. Everything was pretty easy until i hit 260.
  • My weight loss has completely stalled, eating way to much at night time again. GOT......TO.......TURN.......THIS.......BACK.......AROUND.
  • I am your typical late night junk eater. So, what i have done is just try to really limit my intake during the day and save up those calories for at night. I usually eat a 200 cal breakfast, 400 or so lunch, that gives me 1000 or so calories heading into the evening. Then, i usually eat supper late, like 9 or 10, then…
  • Wow, don't be the "crazy lady." Just use your best judgement and try to keep the serving size down. What is funny is some of my biggest weight loss weeks are ones where i had a family function and ate a little more loosely for a meal or two. Maybe my body likes the jumpstart?
  • Interesting responses, thanks folks! Logging accurately = good not logging accurately = bad :wink: I do try to be as accurate as i can, but some days are better than others...
  • BTW- changed my username, not sure why i was giving out my full name, so adjust accordingly. :flowerforyou:
  • Relax, we need some information, first. Just the basic facts. Can u tell me where it hurts?
  • Had a Dr. Appointment yesterday, felt pretty nice to throw a 35 lb weight loss at him. What's weird though, i don't really feel different or notice anything different. My inches haven't even changed really around my stomach, maybe an inch is all? Certainly don't have any more energy really either. Oh well, got to keep it…
  • Tim- welcome back, I wish you much success, we can do this!!!! As for me, i also lost a bunch of weight about 7-8 years ago too, got down to about 230 or so, but gained it all back up to around 310 when i started here again. I was a lot like you in high school, i only weighed about 175 (probably my "ideal" weight) or so…
  • Man, i wish i was 27 again! No reason to be scared, you have your whole life ahead of you. IMPROVE YOUR LIFE, one day at a time! Good luck!
  • Well, it was fun while it lasted. Looks the the shed is done. Didn't lose much this week. 284
  • I will respond to the "what am i doing" question. The answer is..... just sticking with my 1800 calories a day, that's pretty much it. I guess when you start around 310 and i was probably eating 3000-4000 calories a day easy, then cut back to 1800, then weight falls off. At least at first. Like i said, i imagine things…
  • Save a few calories from the day before and sneak a small sweet treat into your day. Peanut butter is a calorie killer tho, so be careful.
  • Yup, which is exactly what he put up on screen and agreed to today.
  • Yeah, for me, i just have NO luck doing the small supper thing. I like my main meal to be dinner, always have, always will. So, i try to have a light breakfast, a light lunch, then save most calories for dinner and then a late night snack. Hopefully that works for me.
  • sun morning 285. got some good momentum going, need to keep it up. I sense my body will be slowing down soon unless i shake something up? One bad thing, i have lost all this without doing pretty much NO exercise, all my weight lost has been just based off sticking with my 1900 a day calorie limit. NEED to get active soon.
  • Find your healthy calorie range to eat, and eat at that calorie range. Try to restrict yourself all of a sudden, drop down to eating nothing, AND... You will fail. It IS a lifestyle change. Find your "healthy" calorie range and eat in the range, and eventually, you will become that healthier person. Starving yourself and…
  • Side note: It was funny, my dad always preached the "1 plate rule" Problem is, at a buffet, his 1 plate with food on it would be about 2 feet tall. :noway:
  • sorry, had to recalculate your numbers a bit, i edited my post, 2200-2400 was a bit high for you i think. Scooby was giving me about 2000 TDEE with a sedentary lifestyle. So, try not to eat anything more than that, anything lower, and you're on the track to losin weight! Again, a good healthy goal for you is probably…
  • For women, it's so tough, they seems to set every woman's calories at 1200. My wife is about the same weight as you, and i think her shooting for 1600 is a good, realistic caloric goal. I'm assuming your TDEE is between 2000 and 2200 if you get a bit of exercise. Therefore, 80% of 2000 is 1600, and would mean you would…
  • Good job, it's been working for me to. Starting logging here Jan 5 and up to today, have taken off about 20 myself. I have A LOT to lose though, it's always easier at first! I just think for men, it helps us to log everything and see it in front of our faces. It's like a math/science problem we can control here. It's when…