

  • Hi: I read something recently and want to share it with you. Motivation does not just happen. We must create it. Think about it. The root word of motivation is "motive". Ask yourself, "why do I want to lose weight and get fit?" The reason must be emotional for you. It must be important to you and emotional for you. The…
    in hello Comment by asheldon2010 March 2010
  • And you will do it!!! Men always loose faster than women. In 3 months you can easily loose between 30-50 lbs. Stay focused and don't give up if you have one bad day, don't beat yourself up, but rather forgive yourself, let it go and move forward. I have lost 100 lbs and gained it all back. So believe me, I understand. So…
  • Walking is great exercise either on the treadmill or outside. I would like that better than the bike.
  • Hi: I just read your entry. Congratulations!! I also just started again, this is my 2nd week eating healthy and exercising. I like the post card idea, thats great!. I have been doing a lot of soul searching trying to understand why I can loose weight but never keep it off for more than 6 months. In digging deep and doing a…
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