What I do when I'm headed somewhere I know there will be a lot of tempting stuff (cookies, pizza, etc) is pack my own paleo treats to help me stay on track. Stick a stash of paleo muffins or cookies in your purse and when you get that craving for a cookie after you've had a few drinks, reach for it instead. Pizza is tough,…
New to the group ~ Hi everyone! I've always considered myself 'grain free'. Which pretty much falls under the primal/paleo label somewhere. I just recently started back up again after a 2 month hiatus. This time around I think I'm going to avoid more dairy, as I'm not sure it agrees with me. The dairy I do will be raw…
I love many different leftovers for breakfast. But if you are feeling more breakfasty - this is really good: It's high in calories, but super filling and high in protein!
I was just thinking about asking this exact question! :)