I work the moring shift at a hotel from 7am to 3pm. They allow us to eat free breakfast since we have to be here so early. This causes so much temptation. They first month or so I eneded up gaining weight from the muffins/pastries/waffles ect. So now I plan out my breakfast and lunch before I go to slee the night before.…
Thank you guys! :smile:
Thank you guys for your support! I have had a few ask how long it took me. It has been a little over a year. I hit a period where I did'nt lose anyting for a few weeks and lost a lot of my motivation and tried things like Herbalife (overpriced and disgusting..seriously don't do it). Eventually got my self back on track. My…
From 240 to 165!
Also thank you everyone for the kind words! They mean a lot!
I am wearing a small/meduim in shirts depending on how tight it is on the girls :wink: In pants I wear anywhere between an 6 and a 10.
Thank you! I do have a lot of muscle on me. I bet my calves are bigger than most of these body lifters on here :wink: But it does go to show that the number on the scale isn't the biggest thing.