

  • Don't let that negative energy drag you down. You look yourself in the mirror almost every morning. You know exactly what you want and you are goind after it with all costs. It may appear to be difficult at first but it is all part of the progress. Healthy eating and fitness are a choices of lifestyle. It takes discipline,…
  • An apple contains lots of water, sugar, fiber. Carbs from sugar tend to be boken down quickly and use for energy. Think of it this way. you added high octane gas to your V8 mustan and revving it at 7k rpm. Its like that when you add apple to your body. I have apple in my pre work out meal because of such property that it…
  • If your meal are just carbs, you are going to feel the hunger real quick. Because carbs are quickly digested and used for energy. Veggies that are rich in fiber is gonna help you maintain that full feeling. Remove partial complex carbs intake from brown rice, oatmeal, wholewheat bread etc, and replace them with veggies…