JackieMarie1989jgw Member


  • Any one can write a book full of scare tactics, check the sources. Foods high in saturated fat can contribute to disease, yes, but it is only one of many factors. If you also eat plenty of good fats, think nuts and fish, it helps balance that out. Some of the longest living cultures in the world (Japanese, Scandanavian,…
  • Well, my favorite is oatmeal and berries with a hard boiled egg on the side, fiber+protein keeps me full. But if you want low carb, the oatmeal isnt that. I would suggest eggs with fruit or veggies for fiber.
  • +1 for genetics playing a role. My dad has always been meticulous about his dental care, had access to good dental care as a child, never had a sweet tooth. He had to have multiple tooth extractions and a root canal in his early thirties. He now has a bridge where his four front teeth used to be. His sister had the exact…
  • In my personal experience, when I tried drinking it daily to lose weight, it neither suppressed my appetite nor caused weight loss. ETA-didnt suppress my appetite any more than anything else with caffeine, which wasnt enough to make much of a difference.
  • The studies done on green tea only showed a very modest increase in weight loss (2.5 lb in three months I believe) over the control group. And the participants were also dieting/exercising, not just drinking tea. To me, that small of a difference isnt worth it if you hate the taste so much that you have to add a lot of…
  • Set aside some cals, do your Zumba, maybe eat something light before you go like a salad to take the edge off your hunger, and enjoy yourself :)
  • Tried Atkins in high school, couldn't maintain it long enough to lose. Felt like crap, low energy, head in a fog, increased migraines. I'm never doing low carb again In college tried to only do exercise but wasn't willing to watch what I ate. Got slightly more toned, didn't lose. After college tried just drinking green tea…
  • Yeah, I ate the fries, eat lighter today, no big deal :p
  • When I get like this in the afternoon I have a cup of tea, either green or black. Caffeine suppresses the appetite
  • http://chriskresser.com/do-high-protein-diets-cause-kidney-disease-and-cancer/ This is a good article on the subject, with links to studies. Even in the medical community there seems to be some debate over this. But I would think if youre active and not doing anything extreme you're probably ok
  • There is a lot of debate about this. What I learned in nutrition was that a very high protein diet over time, particularly in someone who isnt active and building muscle, may contribute to chronic kidney disease. There are people here who will debate this and say to always eat more. I think eating moderately over your goal…
  • Cabbage is a great, cheap, high fiber food. Also broccoli. All frozen veggies, frozen berries. Oatmeal. For meat and fish, follow the sales! Buy the whole chicken and use it for several meals, cheaper than buying so many chicken breasts
  • Liquor is the lowest calorie alcohol. If you don't like shots or straight liquor, whiskey or rum with diet coke is a good one, as well as vodka tonic. Personally I usually only have one or two at a time so I prefer wine, although it is a bit higher calorie than liquor. White wine is lower cal than red...less antioxidants…
  • Just realized this is a zombie thread.oops.
  • I'm an ER nurse and spend 12 hours on my feet running around, different job but similar level of activity, probably. I dont log it as exercise. I just have my activity level set to "lightly active" so it is already giving me extra calories for it. I have it as "lightly active" instead of "active" because I am mostly…
  • OP, starvation mode means that if you are truly starving, aka eating less than 1200 every day for a while, your metabolism slows just enough to slow your weight loss. It does mot slow enough to cause you to stop losing weight, and certainly not enough to cause you to gain. If you are eating at a calorie deficit you will…
  • False. I lost twenty pounds with pure calorie counting, not really eating healthier. Foods that are higher in fiber and protein are more filling and make it easier to eat less, but it is still CiCo
  • Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I'll be looking some of these up and trying to do them. I don't have the ability to go to the gym often (I have a baby, husband and I both shift workers) so I am trying to do as much at home as possible. I watched some of the YouTube videos in the links and it was helpful. Thanks!
  • Although a doctor will sometimes prescribe a very low calorie diet for someone who is very obese, this is typically done under close supervision, while taking supplements, testing bloodwork,etc. It shouldnt be a flippant "go eat 1000 cal a day." Barring some medical problem, at your height and weight you should have been…
  • thanks! Pull ups and chin ups are a looong way away for me (I cant even do a full push up yet, but am currently working on it!) What are rows?
  • I am by no means a fitness expert, but have you tried stretching your abs before and after? Such as the cobra pose? I tend to have the opposite problem, my back cramps up during crunches. So now I do crossfit style sit ups instead.
  • Oatmeal made with 2% milk and frozen blueberries
  • Coffee has potassium? Wow I had no idea. Maybe I do meet my RDAs after all. I dont track added salt. Like if I dip my hardboiled eggs in salt and pepper I dont track it. My blood pressure is actually on the low side so I have no reason to be super concerned about sodium.
  • Ok, I think I missed the "pounds of lean body mass" point. My body fat % is on the high side of normal for a woman so when only accounting for LBM it would be less than my total weight. That makes sense.
  • I feel like I am eating a lot of protein at 72. I can't imagine eating 136 gm (I weigh 136 lb)
  • Not that I don't believe you, just trying to clear up the confusion. The poster above posted some links which all use similar amounts but with kg, not sure why some say kg and some say lb.
  • I thought the guideline was 0.8-1.2g /kg a day, not per pound? That is what I have been going by (61 kg, goal of 74 gm protein a day). I am not an athlete by any stretch of the imagination, though, and am doing only light resistance training for muscle maintenance. I am just curious because that is a biiig difference,…
  • Small serving of mini wheats with 2% milk, 2 hard boiled eggs, coffee
  • Actually, no. I wish I had so I could have been more toned, but that was just from calorie counting alone.