ea_osborne Member


  • That's exactly what I do. It's such a pain to be constantly weighing, measuring, and counting everything I eat. On my "cheat" days, I try not to go nuts, but indulge a little more and take a break from all the obnoxious food tracking. It really helps to take a short break from it all for a day and is necessary to do (for…
  • Omg this is a perfect topic for me. I'm the kind of person who wants immediate results so when I get into "weight loss mode" I end up checking my weight multiple times a day. I'm not even kidding. I OBSESS over it. I recently told my bf to hide the measuring tape and scale and only let me have it once a week. It seems to…
  • Good luck to you too!
  • OMG I'm the same way. Seems like the more determined I am and the more effort I put into it, the worse the results. The most weight I ever lost in my life (about 20lbs in like 4 months) I wasn't even trying. I wish someone had an answer and a way around it!
  • Hi there! I'm 5'2, 172lbs, and also have a goal intake of 1200cal. At first it was kinda hard. I would usually go over by a couple hundred cals. However, I decided to do a grocery makeover and it has helped A TON. Anything I buy is not "normal" food. What I mean is I bought only "low fat" foods and where there was a…
    in 1200 Comment by ea_osborne January 2014