About 8 years ago.
I don't think it matters as long as you're consistent with how you're weighing stuff. The amount of calories aren't going to be exact either way. Just be consistent with how you weigh stuff and then make adjustments based on progress.
Only if you like methamphetamine in your pre-workout.
We don't all have the facial aesthetics of bradgelina. Go see a doctor and tell them you're not happy with how your face looks.
Maybe talk to a doctor. Maybe they can recommend a way to remove the loose skin. Surgery maybe?
The important thing is to weigh on the same scales at the same time of day. I weigh myself every Friday morning when I first wake-up, before I eat anything, on the same set of scales. Even if it's not an accurate reading, I can see if I'm maintaining, losing, or gaining.
I don't eat anything from McDonalds at all.