kbobx Member


  • SkinnyRuthy, Have you thought about doing it at home? That is what I originally wanted to do, but my insurance wouldn't cover it! That way you can control every aspect of your birth :)
  • 1. How far along are you? 25 Weeks 4 days :) 2. Do you know baby's gender? Boy! 3. If so, do you have a name picked out? Issac James 4. Are you showing? You bet! 5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly? No stretch marks or Linea Nigra, but the peach fuzz on my belly has gotten a little longer!…
  • Name: Kristin Hubby/Partner: James How many kids do you have: This is our first :) Due Date: June 8th, 2012 How far along are you: 17 weeks 6 days (18 weeks Friday!) Do you know the gender: Baby Boy Babies Name: Isaac Where do you live: Texas Workouts you are doing while pregnant: I really want to start yoga, cardio, and…
  • Thank you so much! I am really excited to actually start working out again ;)
  • Hey Ladies! I just found this board and I am so excited :) I am 17 weeks pregnant and I would love some advice on some good workout routines. I worked out before I got pregnant, but in the first trimester I was way too tired and I just started a new job, so the workouts have stopped! I'm planning on doing a natural birth…
  • I started P90X yesterday (hopefully, third times the charm). I made it almost the entire way through last year, but went on vacation and have gone down hill since then. Looking at all the before and after pics really inspired me, mostly because I look like the before pics! I'm in :)
  • I know that I have some inherited heart problems, and depending on how hard I work out, I will get a "burning" sensation that sometimes lasts the whole day. The more in shape I am, the less this occurs, but I would go to your doctor to see for sure! My heart has never given me problems, but I was put on a heart monitor to…