Nonie_S Member


  • Today is my day 3, rest day, but I was really surprised last night with how much I was aware of my tummy muscles after only 3 reps of 11 second basic planks! I am looking forward to seeing some improvement. Hats off to you Xrix, with all those on the go.
  • I also do long distance walks, it's my exercise of choice. I agree that taping your vulnerable areas (you'll know where they are), and rather than Vaseline, I use talc.
  • I started this yesterday. Never done planks, but tbh I only managed 12 seconds. Surely to goodness this will improve! On a side note, how are you recording this in MFP? I can't find anything like it in the database.
  • LoL, your secret is safe ;-) Hey, I admitted to Midnight Dynamos!
  • I had a similar issue with Zizzi's. The menu has some indicative (ie under 600 cals); but I could find nothing for the sides & starters. So I emailed them, and the following day I got sent a link to a pdf that had everything I wanted. Just ask them, I am sure they will have the info for you, just not easy to find. Good…
  • Maybe you have fallen off, but the wagon has moved since you first started your journey! Ok, you have had a blip, just take it one meal at a time if your motivation really is low. Have your next meal according to whichever plan you are following, but make yourself no promises about the following one until you reach it. One…
  • Hi Olly, When I use exercise calorie figures, I use the amount my Garmin Forerunner tells me, then make the numbers work in MFP.
  • Hi, WitsEnd, I am 5ft 5in; and currently 15st 5lb. MFP has also put me on 1200 calories, but I think that is too low for me. About 10 years ago I lost 5st using a combination of low carb and calorie counting. Some of this has crept back which is why I am back to being strict with myself. Anyway, more to your original…