

  • Well you're my inspiration :) I'm 48 and going to do my first half in April this year. I'm just hoping to finish alive :)
  • I used to make okra and beef/lamb casserole all the time. Onion, crushed tomatoes, meat and then the okra (but don't add until later on - specially if it's frozen). So you could just leave out the protein. I've never seen frozen okra!!
  • Another common reason for feeling light-headed is not drinking enough water. Lots of people are actually pretty dehydrated and don't even realise. A useful calculation for water is 33ml for every kilo of body weight a day - and this is water, not other stuff.
  • I'm going to be fairly straightforward and I hope you will take it as is intended, ie. helpful :) If you are on this site and wanting to lose weight it's safe to say that up till now your eating habits have led you over your required calorie allowance for a healthy weight. Yet now you're talking about restraining your…
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