aaronengineer Member


  • I have a couple of breakfast staples. If I have time to cook I do a bacon and two egg omelet. Sometimes I'll add some leftover bolognese sauce on it. My son loves them so I'll make him one too. If I am pressed for time I do my Shakeology for breakfast with some frozen fruit.
  • Shakeology and Slimfast are not equivalent. I've tried the chemical based meal replacements and I know they set me up for failure. The Diet pills make the heart race because they are stimulants. Shakeology is a nutrition supplement that is crafted around natural ingredients. When I speak of using it to lose weight I speak…
  • Andrew, I started off at 222 lbs and 6'1, so not too far off. If you count calories you are only about half way to the real issue, and that is what you are eating, in addition to how much. Blood sugar is such a critical thing to maintain and yet the conventional wisdom is we should be eating a lot of sugar (in the form of…
  • Loving to eat isn't usually the problem. The problem is usually what we eat and in what quantities. I LOVE to cook and eat good food. In the past that was always accompanied by grains and starches because that is what the "experts" said. According to them if I wanted to be healthy and lose weight I had to eat low fat. I…
  • Have you tried making your own bars in the morning? 1/2 c dried fruit, 1/2 c nuts, and whatever flavoring you like. If you use dried apples you might add some cinnamon and nutmeg for a fall feeling, or some lemon or lime to lighten it up. I used to make my shakes with protein powder, chia seeds, and fruit until I…
  • I would encourage you to watch the movie Fat Head. It talks about different things that might help or hinder you as you seek your health goals. Personally I have 3 eggs, two pieces of bacon, and a large glass of water. That comes in at about 500 calories, is low in carbs and high in protein. At lunch I'll have a Shakeology…