

  • You can do this and you must do it for yourself and your family. I was in a wheelchair at Christmas and not given much of a chance of ever getting out of it. I have pulmonary hypertension and I'm on 6 liters of oxygen 24/7. I have lost 77 lbs. and I walk two miles every day and do resistance band exercises 3 times a week.…
  • Mine is Caddy Shack closely followed by Stripes. Both star Bill Murphy. A little shallow, but lots of laughs. I don't need to see a movie that brings everyone who sees it down and in tears. Real life has enough of that. I just want to be entertained.
  • I've lost 67 lbs. since Christmas. My wife, who is over weight has not followed my lead. That's o.k. with me. I love her all the same. It is NOT o.k. to call your wife or anybody else fat! Maybe your husband feels threatened with your recent weight loss. Keep up the good work, you're doing great!
  • Way to go! You should be proud. Sounds like you have a realistic view of what it will take. Keep up the good work!
    in SO PROUD! Comment by artnoren June 2008
  • Here is another website that has a lot of information on folic acid.
  • Try these websites. has recipes. has recipes. clicon "Healthy Lifestyle" and then click on recipes. and are two more great sites. You might also check They have great filters that will allow you to choose recipes based on your particular needs. Good…
  • Several websites with great recipes and other information, like what to eat when eating out.,,, Good luck!
  • I don't know if this will help you or not, but read chapters 5, 6 and 7 in Matthew's Gospel. Chapter 7 contains "The Golden Rule", but I think it helps to put it in context if all three chapters are read. If you don't have a bible handy, go to to find these passages. God bless you.
  • When I get the "munchies" I will drink a full glass of water. I will get on the computer and "chat" like I'm doing now. I'll go for a walk or do some other form of exercise. I do anything that will keep me busy physically and mentally to keep my mind off food. The urge to binge passes quickly. It works for me. I'm down to…
  • Try looking at the recipes posted on,, and They all have healthy recipes. Another site is You can create a screener that will show only the foods you select. Example you can screen for main meal, simple(5 ingredients or less), low calorie, low fat,…
  • Go to and key in your question. You'll find your answer there.
    in Housework Comment by artnoren June 2008
  • Are you tracking your calories? How about your body measurements? With exercise you may be building muscle which weighs more tha fat. Don't worry so much about the scale. Pay more attention to your body measurements. Good luck!
  • Has any here had any experience with a all natural product called RELIV. I have a friend who is trying to get me to try this with unbeliveable claims. I am very reluctant as it is very expensive and I am on a number of medications. If you know anything about these products, please share with me. Thanks.
  • Have you tried You can pick any meat fish or vegetable that you like and filter all the recipes to find the ones low in sodium. I eat better than I have ever eaten in my life using between 900 and 1200 mg of salt daily. I don't cook with it or put it on my food. I use a wide variety of fresh and dried…
  • I make a dressing using equal parts of white balsamic vinegar and honey. This dressing on Baby Spring greens is terrific. I too love olive oil but I use just enough to keep my total daily fat at 54 grams. A tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil has 14 grams of fat.
  • Try equal parts of honey and Balsamic vinegar. It is incredible on baby spring greens.
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