

  • Many thanks for such a thorough and detailed response. I appreciate the time you have spent on it for me :) I have a new photo, taken in a stationary position with less of a toe up position, and without shoes on, and I am able to get my leg completely straight. This feels really unnatural though and its a position I am…
  • I'm in the UK. To be honest, its not really the "cycling experience" I'm after - its about fitness, weight control and body shape. I like the idea (and motivation) of the "bells and whistles" on an exercise bike - things like HRM resistance control (I've never tried that, but the concept sounds excellent), automated HIIT…
  • Thanks guys - looks like you've confirmed what I suspected. I'm surprised in a way as I don't consider my height to be that tall and would expect "off the shelf" exercise bikes to be fine. The LeMond is way out of my price bracket - I'll reconsider my options.....
  • To be honest - mainly convenience (and lack of facilities/tools) - I just wanted something I could do regularly in the home, easily, quickly, conveniently and regularly. Though I suppose there's nothing stopping me running on the road for 12 minutes and using a GPS tracker for distance (I just googled the copper test :))
  • I use my heart rate 7.5 seconds into the 15 second measurement as an approximation of my 15 second heart rate - I really don't believe it will be far out - however I asked for and wanted others opinions - so thank you :) - I'll retry tomorrow morning and manually measure HR.
  • I have to confess I've never tried Rice Milk (or almond milk or any non dairy milk) - its just so expensive!! (Dairy) Milk consistently costs me 44p ($0.74 ish) per litre (and has for years) - Non dairy milk at a quick glance costs £1.30 ($2.19 ish) per litre at cheapest - triple the price! I've just never been persuaded…
  • Thanks - best response so far :) Yes, I'm desperately trying to move my diet away from commercial/processed products - I've come to the conclusion that there's just far too much crap added to EVERYTHING! (possibly quite literally!) The real turning point was discovering that my Tesco Frozen Chicken Breasts that became a…
  • Ok - where I'm coming from ..... ... I started off this morning deciding that I wanted to make a better and more informed choice of protein powder to stock up on, as I have run out. As I was doing my research trying to find what suited me best, I kept coming across the view that protein as a post workout option was the…
  • Ok - I'm not trying to complicate it - what's the simple way?
  • I'm not totally sure what Chocolate Syrup is - I wonder if its an American thing (I'm in the UK) - or just me!! When I search for Chocolate Syrup here I get a list mainly of dessert toppings (and indeed, the commercial, presumably processed, items I'm mostly trying to avoid) - is that the kind of thing you mean?…
  • I've just gone back to IIFYM to double check my numbers and its slightly different (in MFP you must, it appears, put the goals in 5% increments - so I rounded up the Protein and Fat) - so I'm not as far away as I feared - however, I'm still coming up short, despite trying to start with "the perfect day" - it still appears…
  • Thanks - that's a lot of reading - but looks useful/important - I'll read it properly later on.
  • Is that a lot? The recipe I linked to suggested 1 cup (240ml?) - 100g came in at under 240ml.
  • Actually, I should probably make clear that I'm also 2,348 net calories under my weekly goal.
  • I'm interested in this - MFP gives me a goal of 54g of fat per day - however a minimum of 0.4g fat per lb of bodyweight gives me a minimum of 68g of fat per day. That's quite a big difference. I have been trying hard to reduce my fat to the absolute minimum - my last 7 days (presumably including breakfast today, but none…
  • Ok - thanks all - put my mind at rest a bit :) I'll keep munching and tracking my overall daily stats and see where I stand.
  • Thanks - I'm not especially fussed about having this - I only chose it because I thought it was a better choice - so if I can make better choices, then I will (only thing I don't eat which I think would be good for breakfast is eggs). Would I be best looking for alternative muesli options, or are they all the same and I…