

  • Hi Jenny I cant offer you any advice really as I understand what you are saying. I joined myfitnesspal only a week or so ago and I too am struggling to eat 1200 calories and then because I exercise I am rewarded with extra calories on top of the 1200 and my first thought is NO I don't want them but obviously my body must…
  • baked fajitas - im definitely gonna try this it sounds yummy :-)
  • Hiya... I only joined last week so im a novice to the site. However, im not new to trying to get fit and healthy. That's my goal . Also youre human and you will have bad days so don't give yourself such a hard time if you do! I stay motivated by checking what I eat and saying to myself how much do I really want that food…
  • I currently take omega 3 and wanted to take 1 tablet that included omega 3, iron and protein...