And again, form that BBC article I posted earlier... ( " beer and coffee do not dehydrate you to any noticeable extent (there's a nice paper where some medical students got to drink quite a lot of beer and had their urine studied - British Medical Journal (Clin Res Ed), December…
- "There is no evidence that adding the eight cups of water to everything else you drink will do you any good and it could do you harm (American Journal of Physiological - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, November 2002, Drink at least eight glasses of water a…
You mean to say it's not pronounced like that ?
Try wilting kale in a frying pan with some garlic powder/granules and some lemon zest. Delicious. For best result, remove any thick bits of stem so you're dealing with mainly leafy bits.
To be honest, I'm finding that if I deprive myself of it, I'll just want it more and end up binging on it. It's much easier to just accept that you want a slice of cheesecake at 300 calories and accept that you'll have to skip breakfast and have a light lunch to be "allowed" it after dinner. My other sweet treat is a…
I've tried several times in the past to get "into" the gym thing using "motivation"/"will power" but it never worked. If your will was to go to the gym you'd go so calling in extra will power just results in doing the opposite. I've made it a part of my routine, mon/weds/fri straight after work I come home get changed and…
Hi, I've recently started back at the gym and am doing the interval thing. I'm severely out of shape, (as in, out of breath going up 2 flights of stairs) My current routine is 5mins @6km/h to warm up. then 1min@10km/h to stretch into it, then a minute at 6km/h, then the next five intense intervals at 12km/h. walking at…