

  • I think that it is important to log exercise because sometimes you end up having a very large caloric deficit. I try to have a consistent daily caloric deficit of around 500 calories. I believe that a deficit larger than 500 to 600 calories is not very useful because then you start burning muscle instead of fat. Anyways, I…
  • Oh sorry, no. For a woman the healthy body fat range is higher (~15 to30% if I remember correctly)
  • It just measures your body fat (a healthy body fat percentage is between 8 and 21%). It sends a very small electric current through your body (in the case of a scale) and measures the resistance of your body to that current. Measuring body fat is not an easy thing, so do not think that the number the scale gives you is…
  • Like everyone else is saying: EAT!!! 1000 calories is too few calories. 1900 sounds a good number to lose weight. If you starve yourself (likeby eating 1000 calories) your metabolisms slows down because your body starts feeling that it does not have enough energy and it starts saving energy because it feels that there are…