Operachk19 Member


  • I sometimes buy the Fudgsicle No Sugar Frozen Popsicles - only 40 calories. Probably loaded with aspertame and other stuff, but I figure it's still better then eating a Twix bar.
  • Yeah, I've also noticed this. Before I started losing weight I never had them, but since I've been losing, I've noticed the love handles have stayed, while I've lost weight in my midsection and my hips. Very strange that I would get love handles after I start losing weight, but it's only because I've lost weight elsewhere…
  • Mmm, I love air popped popcorn - one of my indulgences. Are you off all sweets or just processed sugar? Are you still eating fruit? Best of luck!
  • You can add me too - I also came to the realization that I needed to make a change in my life when going to the doctors office. It's amazing how far you can without going on a scale, then seeing that number jars you into reality. Best of luck with your journey!
  • Hi Shelby, I am exactly in your boat too. (although my birthday is tomorrow, so I guess then I'll be 27... sad!) I'm just getting started, so I would love to add some friends to help keep motivated. Yay!