You definitely don't have to pay to be in my group! The only thing you would have to pay for is a workout program, but if you already own one(or can borrow one), that would be fine too!
I am in the second month of insanity and I find myself hating the recovery workout, does anyone else hate it as much as me? haha
Contrats! You look good...and you can defnitely see a difference!
The scale for me is one of the scariest things! It doesn't matter if i'm working on losing weight or not, I'm still scared to read what it says to me. I'm starting to only weigh myself once a month, because it can effect my mood...and I don't like that!
My husband and I are doing this workout together. We already completed the first month, but ran in to a few problems last week (which would have been our first week of Max). So, we're starting max over again tomorrow. We are wondering if everyone follows the nutrition guide or if you just watch what you are eating? Just…