SuperKnight1 Member


  • Alex wrote: » Hi all! We had an issue over the weekend that was resolved this morning, *however* as of about 10 minutes ago we started seeing users get logged out and unable to log back in, receiving a server error instead. Our on call teams are looking into it and our technical support team will get a post up shortly with…
  • Every mile you fastwalk, jog, or run will get you about 125 calories extra so you would need to be doing 5 to 7 miles of cardio to log an extra 700 to 900 calories. For example I fastwalked/ran 3 miles today and my Garmin that is hooked to MyFitness Pal added 379 calories of exercise. I try not to eat back more than 75% of…
  • My starting weight was 282 on Jan 1st this year and is now 226, down 56lbs. All was done with calorie reduction logging everything I eat and drink everyday with MyFitnessPal and walking and running. I started walking my dogs in February and could only walk 1/2 mile at a time at first. I slowly worked up to 1 mile, then 2,…