BadMabiz Member


  • I had a heck of a time, too! Photobucket just would NOT cooperate! I ended up getting it to work using Choose the option to resize for websites/email (320/240) so it's not too big, and when you get the URL copy it into a reply, but change the IMG and /IMG to lowercase img and /img. Hope it works for you. :)
  • Y'all look great!!! What amazing transformations! If my pic doesn't post properly this time, then I give up. LOL! I've gone from 223 lbs down to 184 lbs. Still have a ways to go, trying to get down to 150. :bigsmile:
  • I haven't had any "fun" reactions to it. Although, I'm on the lowest dose and only take it once daily as directed, so that may be why. I do have increased energy, but it's not the jittery, too much caffeine feeling like with other stimulants I've had. With this, I just feel less lazy and actually have the motivation to get…
  • Funny thing. Soon after my last response singing the praises of this miracle pill, I hit a major plateau and have been pretty much stuck at the same weight for most of the month of February. I finally started seeing a small improvement again this week. My next follow up with the doctor is March 24th, and based on previous…
  • After having 5 kids, and being a stay-home mom with a pretty sedentary lifestyle, I put on a lot of weight. Taking it off was next to impossible because the more weight I put on, the harder it was to get up and move. Add to that the fact that I LOVE food! I'm not only an emotional eater, I'm also a stress eater, a bored…