I feel like a broken record because I say this all the time, but If you think you are going to be going out to eat, fiddle around with your planner before you go. You can log things before you eat them...or even just go to the place's web page and look up nutritional information so you can make better choices. With that…
First of all, I totally want to get into running. Second of all, do you want to know what I, personally think when I see a person who is bigger (or older) than me running on the road? I think: "DAMN! If she can do that, what is my excuse?" I am motivated by your pluck! You are getting me closer to the couch 2 5k.... And…
I have never done WW, so take that into account...but IMO, they are the same thing. The difference is that WW does the calorie counting for you and assigns points based on calories. For example (this is totally an example, as I haven't done WW), for every 100 calories WW assigns a point. So you get X points based on how…
If I have a craving (for me it is generally WINE and CHOCOLATE) when I get up in the morning (or through the day sometimes), I put that glass of wine and/or chocolate right into my tracker as an after-dinner snack - at 8am. lol. This way, All day long, if the craving goes away, great...but if it doesn't, I've got it…
I wonder if it is because when you eat sugar, you want to eat more sugar....and then more sugar to feel like you got your fix...and then MORE, coupled with the fact that the average american eats a lot of processed food, and hidden in processed foods is sugar? So it isn't necessarily the SUGAR that makes people unable to…
I am definitely not offended. I don't really pay attention to anyone at the gym - put in my buds and jam in my own little world.... with that said, if your physique is such that wearing spandex looks comical enough to garner my attention, I will definitely wonder about you. lolol.
Thanks y'all...I am going to try weighing in every day. If I start getting frustrated or depressed, I will stop. Oddly enough, I think I have higher expectations when I weigh in weekly and keep getting disappointed. I think if I just do it as a habit daily it won't play with my head as much. Editorgrrl...checking out…
Hey! Hypo friend here...non-Hashimoto's. Like another poster above, I also thought that once I was diagnosed and my meds were figured out (a year later), I could return to my "normal life". Um, no. The medical profession tends to make us feel this way, but while I am DEFINITELY not as tired as I was before medication, I…
My diary is open to friends too. I don't even know if I'm considered a "clean eater"...?? I've been focusing on just not eating processed junk as much as possible. I won't be giving up my coffee any time soon either. lol. Right now, I'm just trying to eat up the holiday left overs. :-)
I have a little to add to the "wait it out" strategy...sometimes if I know I have eaten all the calories I can possibly eat for the day but am still hungry, I will try a few things that have worked for me: One I will chug a glass of water. Most of the time, I am not actually hungry...I just know there is a cookie in the…
Here is my deal: I need you ladies! I need encouragement and motivation...especially in a couple months when I feel all is lost and want to dive into a tray of cookies. I will be turning FORTY this year... my son graduates this year and THE EX AND HIS WIFE will be there (not to mention lots of family and old friends whom I…
Hi! I am Amy and just got my 21 Day Fix last night! I mostly got it for the containers. lolol. Unfortunately my main workout disk seems to not be working so that puts a slight kink in the plan because I am kind of "type A" and feel like I'm being naughty if I don't follow the workout plan EXACTLY as it states. BUT the…
I just use mine as a guide that I'm on the right track. So, as long as my if...then statement says the same thing or less than it did yesterday, I consider the day a success (I must have stayed within my calorie budget, for example) If my if...then statement tells me that in 5 weeks I will be 2 pounds heavier than it did…