

  • Is there any place that you can go walk at work? I get 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. There is a sidewalk all the way around my building I work at and it is about 1.12 miles total. I usually walk 1/2 a mile to 3/4 a mile in 15 mins and I can make it all the way around the building...the whole mile, walking in…
  • I will be 41 this May. I seem to find it harder to lose weight at this age then I did in my 20's and 30's. I will certainly send some friend requests out. I can use all the motivation I can get (and give!)
  • Would love to have some friends on here to help with the journey. I am trying to lose 40 to start with but would like to do 50-60 total. I seem to be "stuck" right now. At the same weight now for almost 2 weeks. Would love to have some tips, encouragement and ideas from others on the same weight loss journey. :)