usmcdaffy Member


  • Its under Tae Bo (two words) and for 55 min its 987 calories!! WOW!!! good job :o)
  • sometimes if you dont type it in exactly how it in the database it does come up with nothing. You can always put it under Kickboxing :o)
  • LOVE IT! I had not seen progress this like until I started tracking my food on here. I like that you can add foods but I also like that there are SOOOO many alrready in here. :o) I was shocked about how much I was under estimating my food consumption!! Good Luck. I also love that it tracks exercise & what calories you are…
  • Best one around I hear. I know TONS of people that wear them. I want one but they are like $200 so it is definately an investment. :o) It is supposed to be the most accurate one out there. I want it for the calorie counter. :o) Heart rate monitor part is good too though...
  • Dr. Oz says not to eat 3 hours before bed. Sometimes you think you are hungry and you are actually thirsty. I also have heard that if you are truly hungry its okay to eat a little before bed. Its really about good choice making regarding food. If hungry before bed its better to have fruit rather then a candy bar. :o)…
  • I just started a few weeks ago! I find this place helps me a lot but it also keeps me motivated because I see the calories I burn! :smile:
  • Since I have been on here logging my food. I have restrained a lot more. I started to notice how much more I could eat if I ate the right things. I also make sure that I workout each day I am supposed to because I know if I slip up I did burn extra calories. I see you lost 40 lbs so you are probably doing some right!…