

  • Eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. Make sure that you eat protein with EVERY meal. (It will keep you full longer.) Load up on veggies with each meal to feel fuller. Carry a water bottle around with you and refill it throughout the day. Sip on it all the time (before you get hungry) and it will help curb…
  • This happens to me too when I have an intense workout (which is almost always! lol). I have to make sure to eat something about 30 mins to an hour before the gym, drink a shake after my workout (protein, oats, and honey), and a meal about an hour after my shake. Sometimes I have to eat a meal sooner. I will start getting a…
  • I think it depends on your exercise habits. MFP calculated 1200 cals/day for me , but I normally diet at 1500/day too. I lift weights and it doesn't really take that into account. If you lost weight on 1500/day before then I would stick with that (you can override it in the settings by going to "custom" and typing it in).…