Stacey765 Member


  • I am moving to Indiana, to be closer to my family after my divorce is finalized. I work in administration, personally I make $12/hr, I do not have a college degree, but I have over 6 years extensive experience. I don't know if this helps you at all, but just so you know...
  • Hey everyone! Congrats Tiff!! Shows how hard work can pay off! Cathy, I am glad that you had a productive day today! And I really hope Boomer is feeling better. I didn't eat much for breakfast (a fiberOne bar) and for lunch I had a foot long BLT from Subway, now my stomach is turning, I think maybe I went overboard! lol! I…
  • I love mine, want mine, and don't want them going anywhere! But still the sweating....pretty gross! :laugh: Oh well, whatcha gunna do bout it?
  • I agree, for me personally I just don't have the time to eat that many times a day, I am constantly dealing with customers and on my feet all day, so stopping work to sit down to eat that many times a day just isn't practical for me and my lifestyle. I eat 400-500 calorie breakfast/lunch (I eat between 9 adn 10 am) Then I…
  • Guys, you are cracking me up!! I am literally laughing out loud at my desk at work, the guys keep asking what, and I am reading them your stories (most the time they don't get the big deal) FYI --> I work at a motorcycle repair shop, they are clueless! lol
  • Praying for him and family :heart:
  • 1 lb really isn't bad, I was hoping for more. But my expectations were way up there! Cathy, I am really sorry to hear about your pup, I hope he gets to feeling better soon. -->And have fun at your class tonight Em, I understand completely about being a bridesmaid, only 31 days until I am the Matron of Honor at a wedding.…
  • Clare (Finnhead)..........................SW 155.2lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 155.2 lbs / PROGRESS 0.0 lbs Cathy(chipper)...............................SW 248.4 lbs / GW 240 lbs / CW 239.8 lbs / PROGRESS -8.6 lbs Shanell (Nellienell12...................SW 202.5 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 196.5 lbs / PROGRESS -6 lbs AmyLou…
  • Hey!! I'm Stacey 1. I am originally from Indiana 2. Right now I am living in North Carolina 3. I have a 2 1/2 year old son, who keeps me on the move 4. I work at a Motorcycle repair shop 5. I was in the Marine Corps for four years 6. I am 23 Feel free to add me if you want
  • You guys are flipppin hilarious! Made my day
  • Im so sorry to hear so many of you had crappy weekends. Personally, my weekend wasn't so bad, was babysitting my bosses kids and we went to the beach. They are 10 and 12 years old, so I was able to sit on the towel and read. That was fun, but I burned to a crisp! Then, Sunday I was able to just loung around the house and…
  • I love that you set the bar so high! Good luck finding someone to fit all your requirements:wink: !
  • Legally I am still married, but that's paperwork. Paperwork or not, when emotionally I am ready to date (will be awhile!!) this is what my list will be. 1. Must not only have the same faith, must be ACTIVE in our faith 2. Must love kids, I have a son 3. Must be spontaneous, I like to just get out and explore!! 4. Must be…
  • He was trying to be polite so he wasn't the next one to get shot!? lol, I dunno, But i definitely want to know!
  • Personally I use Nutiva, hemp shake, I add bananas, Almond milk, yogurt, frozen blueberries or frozen strawberries (whichever i have on hand) It is like 500 calories. I drink this at work, I talk to alot of customers during the day, so it's easier to drink then eat sometimes! And the bananas I use, I buy fresh and then…
  • There was a couple who had left their jobs and was living off of their savings, the were spending their "final days" spreading the word the world was going to end. They have a toddler, I feel so badly for them. What are they going to do now? But I don't understand how they can put so much faith into what one man said! It's…
  • Love Carrie Underwood! She is so pretty! And classy to boot!
  • Not enjoying life, always being reoccupied with the way I looked, were they judging me? Is my shirt showing my love handles? While everyone else is ordering good food, do they think i should be ordering a salad? --> So frustrating thinking about the stuff that i should have been enjoying and missed out on.
  • Cathy-- Did your day get better? Hey ya to everyone else! I work at a motorcycle shop with only male co workers. Today (while I am at work no less) Aunt Flo shows up, out of the blue! Obviously i wasn't prepared (why would I be?!? lol) But I had to run across the street to get my "essentials" And when I came back through…
  • The Help was an AMAZING book! I loved it! Also, I like anything the Greg Isles writes, he is amazing
  • OK, turns out my crystal light actually doesn't have sugar!! (Can you tell I never log it?!:tongue: ) Sorry all! Thank you so much for your help though!
  • Brayden (my son) will be gone for 2 weeks, He left last night and I am already bored stiff! Granted it was nice not to have little feet in my face and back last night. Why do kids to that?? It amazes me what they sleep though! But because he was gone, I was able to run this morning and get it out of the way. That was nice,…
  • Yuck! Oh well, next week I will do better -- Only five more weeks until I am in a wedding, and would love to lose 10 more lbs!
  • Shanell (Nellienell12...................SW 202.5 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 199.5 lbs / PROGRESS -2.5 lbs Cathy(chipper)...............................SW 248.4 lbs / GW 240 lbs / CW 240.8 lbs / PROGRESS -7.6 lbs AmyLou (amylou_24)..................SW 150.6 lbs/GW 148.0lbs/CW148.6 lbs/ PROGRESS -2.0 lbs…
  • My BMI is Finally out of the "over weight" category into the "normal" range!! -- I had to share, I am so soo excited!
  • You're an adult, you can do whatever you want to! :tongue: But honestly, If you can do it every once in a while I don't see what the problem would be, just remember that with the beer and fried foods you may be bloated the next couple of days. Personally for me though, I can't because I know how I will be ---> first it's…
  • I was interested too!
  • Hey all! You are all doing so well! I am going to the dr tomorrow, so i will give my "official" weight in then...unless, of course, I don't like it! lol-- just kidding I will definitely weight in tomorrow! Wish me luck at the Dr appointment, I had to get a referral to go ON base? Crazy right, usually it's the other way…