Harry__Hood95 Member


  • I've done it twice, and love it. I don't think any other program (I've done T25, Rushfit & P90X) can match it's intensity and calorie burn.
  • I think if you have the time and commitment that Insanity is the better program. You push yourself harder and burn more calories. I also think that you build more flexibility because you spend more than 90 seconds stretching. Having said that, if your Insanity DVDs are just going to collect dust because you don't have the…
  • If you've got the time, I would do Insanity. I'm into my 2nd week of Beta phase, and after almost every workout I debate switching back to Insanity the next day. There's no question that you will shed pounds and push your overall fitness level faster and harder with insanity. Plus, I feel like there isn't adequate…