You just have to be strong and resist the temptation to overeat. Like some one said remember to eat smaller portion. Good luck and let us know how it turns out because I have 2 family reunions coming up in June.:heart:
I eat a lot of sugar free items. A lot of the items are not that bad without sugar in them. I have a sugar free jello parfait that I have with my lunch or for a snack that is really good. This is just a suggestion.
I told my doctor one day that I needed help with the weight I had gained. He said I would rather have you chubby then smoking. It is better health wise for you. He is really proud of me also for the weight that I am determined to lose.
It is really hard to quit smoking for some people. I quit over a year ago and I gained 40 lbs and I finally one day decided that was enough. I hated to even look at myself in a mirror. So I found this app on my phone and now I am down 15 lbs and I am really proud of myself. My husband is also on this program and he is down…
Yes I have been told that muscle weights more than fat from the nurse that gives me my allergy shots eery two weeks.