

  • Sorry, I don't have this posting down good yet. I mean the "good for you!" for ALLIMAX2002. Can someone help me a little with this?
  • I'm fairly new to MFP. I started it last month and then fell off the wagon, so to speak. I have several of Leslie's dvds and love them. I wear a heartrate monitor so I can make sure I stay in my training range. I usually do a mile or two then do some form of strength training and then back to the dvd. I also like her 5…
  • Hi!, I'm new to MFP. I believe it is just what I am looking for. I have found that I need to keep records of what I eat and my exercise in order to lose any weight. I think my brain has become too old to remember from one day to the next what I ate. I will be 65 years old next month and never needed to lose any weight…
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