MikeEnRegalia Member


  • Keto for the win! 5/20/75, or up to 20/20/60ish on workout days.
  • Are you a vegetarian for ethical reasons? If so, maybe you could warm up to eating (sea) insects ... shrimps are a really good source of protein.
  • What's your goal? From your post I can tell that you desperately avoid fat, which IMO is a problem as far as proper nutrition is concerned, but it would help if you told us whether you're trying to lose weight, gain weight, or whatever it is. :smile:
  • By the way: Over the last few weeks (months) there were three events like the Oktoberfest in my area - I went to every one of them and had some beer (and more), and managed to emerge still in ketosis the next day. Here's how to do it: 1. Fast on that day 2. Just before going, do some sprints/HIIT and resistance training 3.…
  • Alcohol should be ok in ketosis in small amounts with meals, but unless you have some carbs along with it, huge quantities can get you in serious trouble. The liver prioritises alcohol detoxification over ketone production, so if you overdo the alcohol while you're in ketosis, your blood sugar can drop dangerously low,…
  • You never know where you gain lean mass - and it's probably not healthy to run DXA scans on a weekly basis, so you'll have to let your body "do its thing". I've been back on keto for the last 6 weeks, and two weeks ago I resumed my resistance training scheme - promptly my weight loss slowed down dramatically. It doesn't…
  • Sugared bacon? Not in my fridge ... I think the only variable of major importance is the amount of fat - but maybe we shouldn't be that obsessive about details. One reason for creating the entry is that most people don't know that the fat in bacon (and lard, for that matter) is mostly monounsaturated.
  • Sure, that's why I named it "Bacon, raw". It's generally easier to weigh the bacon in its raw state ... :wink:
  • After a while you know when you're in Ketosis and when not - you don't have to use any expensive tools to check your Ketone level. I use blood tests from time to time - usually only out of curiosity, after I've eaten more carbs than usual.
  • Snake oil. Contains Omega 3! ;-) It's actually a correct analogy. Lots of things are good for the body and involved in metabolic pathways - but that doesn't mean that we need to supplement with them. If you do supplement, there's the issue with the price tag ...
  • Welcome! You definitely need to lose the fear of fat and cholesterol. You already like to eat cheese, so I'd say that's a good start. When it comes to fat bombs and butter: I'm not into these at all. I'm currently losing body fat (and I have a lot of it to lose), so even on a ketogenic diet I don't need to eat much fat.…
  • A fiber carb is a net carb to our metabolism like a stone is a block of wood for the camp fire. Sincerely, please think about what you said there for a minute.
  • Your calculation assumes that dietary calories is all the body can use for energy. But especially on a ketogenic diet, the body can access its body fat stores for energy, which is what we want it to do. So there's actually nothing wrong with eating very few calories on a well formulated ketogenic diet, as long as the body…
  • Resistance training twice a week (one warmup set and one heavy set of 5-8 reps until "form failure" of vertical push/pull on one day, horizontal push/pull the other day, done in 10 minutes), one session of tabata sprinting per week (done in 4 minutes). For the remaining time - just stay on your feet, walk, don't use…
  • I used the calculator and configured a 50% deficit - it warned me that it was "extremely hard" to maintain, but that's not how I feel at all. IMO this should only happen if you're somehow failing to reach nutritional ketosis. Of course it predicts rapid fat loss with this deficit (1500 kcal/day), so I should not have to…
  • Like I said above, Zumba is not HIIT - it's chronic cardio (if you're doing it several times per week). Try Tabata sprints to check out HIIT - you'll be done in 4 minutes and leave your heart and lungs on the floor - that's HIIT. ;-)
  • Of course - the common belief is that on Atkins you replace carbs with meat, while in reality you replace them with salads, vegetables (bulk/nutrition) and fat (energy). Turns out you can implement an Atkins/Keto diet within the Paleo framework.
  • Examples? Of course Sisson sells supplements, books and seminars, but I don't recall any clearly "bogus" information on his site - rather the opposite.
  • In line with what I said above: Try removing most of the fat for a couple of days and see how you do. A good rule of thumb is to keep your protein constant and the carbs low, and just eat as many grams of fat as you're eating grams of protein. If you're really in ketosis, you should still be satisfied and your metabolism…
  • That's conventional wisdom which doesn't necessarily apply to someone who is on a ketogenic diet. I would rather try to create a big deficit while optimizing carbs (low) and protein (moderate), and keep the calories low. If that doesn't work then the ketosis is not doing what it is supposed to (optimize body/dietary fat…
  • "Paleo" simply means that you try to eat what your ancestors ate in the paleolithic time, which is essentially before we had agriculture. It's a very vague definition, and so there's a wide range of foods that are included at least in somebody's definition of paleo, but not in another's. Typical bones (pardon the pun) of…
  • Grains, starchy vegetables, processed foods, industrial vegetable oils (high PUFA), sugary snacks and treats including cake. But realistically I still eat those from time to time - otherwise work lunches, birthday parties, night outs etc. would become too complicated. I guess the key is to try to eat as optimally as you…
  • Zumba is more like chronic cardio - HIIT would be a 15 minute workout or shorter (tabata).
  • Here's a theory that I remember from reading low-carb experts (probably Volek/Phinney): Scenario: You have a lot of body fat to lose, and you do so on a low-carb ketogenic diet. In order to maximize your fat loss, you eat little to no fat - so basically along the lines of Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat-Loss protocol, which is…
  • Low level cardio is helpful in addition to strength training and HIIT - if you enjoy it, and if it's really low level. For me this means for example a 40km bike ride to visit my parents. It includes 8-10 short sprints (HIIT), but otherwise I'm at a level which according to the polar heart rate sensor is solidly in the…
  • Water. your weight fluctuates every day, depending on various factors, by several pounds easily. So it doesn't make much sense to measure weight loss in weekly intervals. Unless you're on a radical fast, your typically losing at most 2-3 pounds of fat per week, which is well within the range of normal fluctuation. So don't…
  • Sorry, I simply happen to agree with Westman, Phinney, Volek, Attia, Taubes etc. on this matter. The point about Low Carb HIGH FAT is that you keep carbs low, protein constant (moderate) and then adjust the fat to meet whatever goal you have. When you're switching from a higher carb diet to a ketogenic diet, you should eat…
  • A personal, subjective n=1 experiment isn't science either. Where did I ever say that you "must be really sick for losing all the fat quickly"? That came out of nowhere. I'm just saying that when you make the bold claim that you're losing body fat without a caloric deficit, you have no way of knowing whether it is actually…
  • Wow - it's interesting that you assume that manipulating hormones with diet is an "out there concept" for me. If so, then why should I be on a ketogenic diet? I'm just not agreeing with calorie deniers such as yourself. Qualifying it with "only when you're leptin sensitive" doesn't make your position more reasonable - the…