MikeEnRegalia Member


  • Skip the meal before going to the gym, train fasted, and then have a larger meal afterwards. Add some of the calories that trackers show for the exercise, but be wary of suspiciously high numbers - they tend to exaggerate the numbers. In any case with such a low intake intermittent fasting is your friend - eat two meals…
  • Night eating helps if it fits in your caloric budget and if it's not such a huge meal that you can't sleep. Dark chocolate is my current favorite, about 50 grams. Of course skipping other meals like breakfast helps with the budget ...
  • Fat is digested in the small intestine, not the stomach ... I'm not sure if the doctor knows what he's talking about. Whenever I had problems with acid reflux it was because I both ate too much and weighed too much. It completely went away on a low-carb diet, but lately I have been eating less (no huge meals anymore) and…
  • Not necessarily true. I would speculate that you probably adapt quicker using a pure ketogenic approach for one or two months, but after that the machinery your cells developed will not be destroyed by eating carbs occasionally. Read Lyle McDonald's book about the cyclical ketogenic diet if you want to know more ...…
  • Too much protein. If you're doing glycolytic work (anaerobic exercise), up the carbs a bit and eat them post exercise. They'll go directly towards replenishing glycogen stores and won't throw you out of ketosis, and they might be what your body is craving because of the exercise.
  • It takes about 40 days to form a habit ... drink your water. Re-evaluate after 40 days - there's a good chance that you will in fact get used to it. Go ahead and try - I've done that several times with things that I absolutely could not imagine getting used to liking.
  • Mojito without the sugar ... great low carb drink! :-)
  • How can recipes be shared here? Last time I looked, recipes are simply lists of ingredients without any way to say how to combine them ...
  • "Do you test every day?" Heck no. Used to do that in the beginning, but what's the point? If you're not eating more than 30g of net carbs per day, you're in ketosis. These days I only ever test out of curiosity when for some reason I ate more carbs. But even then I rarely ever drop out of ketosis - my body seems to have a…
  • Carb Nite ... yet another bull**** claim riding on the low carb wave. ;-) I think that eating some carbs after strenuous workouts is beneficial, but it's not rocket science ...
  • Macro percentages can be hugely misleading unless you're eating in caloric balance. What are your absolute values for carbs and protein? That's what matters as far as ketosis is concerned. BTW: Myfitnesspal.com sucks in that way - if you overeat, they will scale up the suggested intake based on the percentages. Huge fail.
  • Takes only five minutes ... :-)
  • So the Magnesium Citrate seems to have helped, and you thank God? Some misdirection going on? ;-)
  • Two words: Bone broth. :-)
  • Welcome! You can get into ketosis in a couple of hours - just eat very little carbohydrate and do some strenuous interval/strength training, and the next day you're almost guaranteed to be in ketosis. That's because the body has a very limited capacity for storing carbohydrate. This also means that immediately after those…
  • Get used to fasting. If you're keto adapted, you should not have any problems skipping breakfast and lunch altogether.You'll still get hungry around times of the day when you normally eat, but this will pass. Especially if you're trying to lose body fat, IMO this is the way to go in those pinches. :-)
  • It's bad because of the calories, which come from the fat. I know there are many people here which take "eat fat to lose fat" literally to mean that the more fat you eat, the more body fat you lose. That's not how it works. You can use the keto calculator, and it will tell you that for body fat loss you keep carbs low,…
  • This is how it works: 1. Carbohydrate: You keep the amount low and fixed in order to stay in ketosis. 2. Protein: You calculate the optimum amount and keep it fixed. 3. Fat: This is the only major source of calories in your diet - you adjust it depending on your goals. The important thing to realise is that if you eat the…
  • I live in Germany - one of the most popular dishes is "Wiener Schnitzel", which as most of you know is breaded meat. The cool thing is that I can eat a really big portion of that post workout without being knocked out of ketosis. Of course the typical side orders (potatoes, fries) I replace with salad, but still ... I…
  • I'm through with Fitbit - too fragile. I just ordered a Misfit Shine ... looks like a watch, is waterproof, and the battery lasts 4 months. :-)
  • "bulletproof" coffee ... IMO Asprey is a leech in the keto movement, looking to make a buck while adding nothing of substance. For what it's worth, I like the taste of coffee with butter blended in, but especially if you're looking to lose body fat, hands off. In maintenance, I don't think it hurts, but personally I prefer…
  • Lol - that's very close to my ratios: 1461 kcal Daily Calorie Intake 50 g Carbohydrates (14%, 200 kcal) 125 g Protein (34%, 500 kcal) 85 g Fat (52%, 761 kcal) Perfect for weight loss - but according to the calculator I will need to increase my calories in about a month. :-)
  • Hi! I like Stephanie's "Pep Talk" videos, but her approach is entirely unscientific. Himalayan salt looks cool, but the cold hard chemical reality is that there's not much trace minerals in it except for salt, which is simply sodium and chloride. You get your trace minerals from stuff like bone broth, vegetables, liver,…
  • Eggs have the perfect macronutrient composition for losing body fat - when you restrict calories on keto you need more protein, and around 35% is just what the keto calculator recommends for me. Having said that: Eating only eggs is not advisable - you might even develop an intolerance. So mix it up! :-)
  • Drinking lots of water is kind of overrated. On keto, if you do drink a lot make sure that you consume a lot of sodium, too - intakes of 10g/day are not unusual. If you eat too little sodium and drink too much water, you pose an unnecessary challenge to your body.
  • One of the great benefits of a ketogenic diet is that you naturally lose the need for constant snacking. Yesterday I had a very busy work day with a lot of walking, debating and driving, and all I ate until 19:00 was a salad with meat and olive oil for lunch. Before keto I used to be quite vulnerable to snacks - and at…
  • I agree with Leonidas - after a while you get a sense of whether you're in Ketosis, no need to test the Ketone level every day. After all, it is very expensive no matter what you use.
  • You can eat tons of vegetables on a ketogenic diet - and quite some fruit if you switch to low-sugar berries and citrus. So maybe that could be something for you to try. And you still can have lean meat - just eat some fat of your choice with it. Keto does not imply bacon and butter, it can also be lean chicken breast and…
  • I'm currently on a ketogenic diet and I find that this makes intermittent fasting much easier. I had planned to try 5:2 fasting earlier this year, but never could get myself to do it, I kept postponing the fasting days. :wink: On the ketogenic diet it almost seems like IF is automatic - you literally just forget to eat a…