Tlbrind Member


  • I asked my doctor about surgery and there is a 3 year waiting list here just for the appointment.
  • I remember reading in a diet book that if you are craving something sweet in the evening to have grapes. There suppose to be sweet enough to help with your sugar cravings.
  • I would like that. I could use some egging on. I am at my heaviest I've ever been at and am finding it hard to even get motivated to go for a walk. My energy level is way down. For me it's chips and ice cream. Last night I did well until my son got home from work and make himself dinner. I ended up eating fried chicken at…
  • I just started back on here yesterday. I to have a tough time in evenings as well. I get home from work at 9:30 and the first thing I do is have something to eat. Usually leftovers from dinner that everyone else has had. I know a lot of my evening eating has become a habit and could use some suggestions and support to help…