In. Started at 40. Have 31 to go. Thanks!
As an additional item, if you eat out a lot, you may be under reporting your calories, even for the healthy choice items. If you really want to track calories, Id suggest adding 100 cals or so unless you explicitly state a preference and are sure the restaurant is complying.. The cuprits - butter and salt. A well known…
so.....what did you do?
In addition to asking how sore you are (and in your case, sounds like it's not too bad), it also is worth asking what are you running for? If you are training for a race, then I'd be less likely to skip for what sounds like basic muscle soreness and stick with the plan. If it's just out of habit, then skipping may not be…
Also my understanding is if you do treadmill and want to mimic outdoors (non hill workout) you should put it on a small incline (1-2%).
I used to never run in bad weather, but now have found I love it. While your pace may be slower - depending on the weather you're getting, it still is good training. Slower run perhaps, but good exertion and often helps build up other parts of your leg. Natures Cross Training! While I don't know where you live or how bad…
Hate to say it but the argument "I run on the road when there's little traffic" is a bad argument. No matter how safe YOU are, you don't know what the driver is doing (texting, reading, doing makeup, I've seen it all) and you may not have the reaction time (other than you ninja's out there) to dodge a car going 50 mph when…