mchlsmit Member


  • I kick started my weight loss with a seven day juice fast then went onto a predominantly veg/fruit/pulse diet (I don't eat meat or fish or dairy) and it was a good jump start for me. I haven't regained the weight and that was over 18 months ago. I think you'll find 60 days will be extreme and you'll be starving after 3! if…
  • If you need to weigh every day then just use your mother's scales... 1. Use a tape measure 2. Use body fat callipers 3. Take before/after pictures 4. Now and again use a good scale at the doctors/hospital/pharmacy, etc. You will see some fluctuation day by day from water weight, etc. so daily weighing isn't that accurate.
  • If you still want to lose weight: 1. Drink more water 2. Create a calorie deficit 3. Lift weights (progressive overload) 4. Sort out your macronutrient ratios (60% carbs, 20% protein, 20% fat for example) 5. Log your intake well - measure, weigh and log everything! 6. Cut out all sugary crap - food and drink 7. Eat more…
  • Most people need more water than 8 glasses a day to lose weight and stay hydrated. Yellow wee = dehydrated. Light straw coloured or clear wee = hydrated. Don't use a single study that appears to be unrelated to weight loss to justify your lack of drinking enough water. Alcohol, coffee, tea are stimulants that help…
  • Find an online calculator that will tell you your TDEE and go from there.
  • Shakes on the whole are an unnecessary expense. Just eat healthy and stay within your calorie/macronutrient goal.
  • I try to avoid too much dairy so I use pressed hemp protein powder in 300ml of non-dairy milk (usually soya). Add a banana and blend. About 16 grams of protein and easily digested. Reduce the calories by excluding the banana.
  • You probably aren't eating enough. 2600 is probably not much more than your BMR if you aren't aiming for fat loss. Be careful with the beer (no real nutritional value) and the peanut butter (good protein but lots of fat also). Be careful that you don't overtrain. Your reps are unusual - most body builders stick with 3 sets…
  • I like Scooby - solid, sensible and a vegetarian (mostly).
  • If you use an online calculator to work out your base metabolic rate (BMR) and the number of calories you need to burn to lose fat it will include your exercise amounts (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). You can then use MFP to track your nutrition manually and set your calorie and nutrition levels (I use 50% Carbs, 30%…
  • My advice - if you want to lose weight then do more cardio. If you want to build muscle or get stronger then do more weights. Don't ditch the cardio altogether as you need to get your cv system in shape as well. Diet is important for both and it can be difficult to build muscle if you are doing lots of cardio as your body…
  • Your weight fluctuates during the week and even during the day. Weigh yourself once a week with an electronic scale on a non-carpeted floor. Go for a Saturday or Sunday morning before you eat and weigh yourself without clothes. Your clothes will add a few pounds and weighing yourself during the day will also add weight…
  • I found IBS to be stress triggered so avoiding stress may help your symptoms - easier said I know. I have cut out all meat as I tended to eat fast food due to a busy lifestyle and it was too tempting to grab a burger, fried chicken or hit the supermarket processed rubbish. I'm not sure about anyone else but stopping all…
    in IBS Comment by mchlsmit April 2011