

  • I understand being a picky eater. I was NOT a salad person before weight loss. In reality, I had never found a salad I actually enjoyed. It's all about trial/error. With regards to dinner, maybe look into some chicken breast recipes for the crock pot. That way, you can prep your meal in the morning. While you're at work,…
  • As a woman, you have to consider period bloating. I only weigh myself once a month and that is at the end of the week after my period. That is normally the time I am least bloated. The week before, during, and the first part of that immediate following week are times were you can still be retaining water.
  • Hi there, I feel you. I was at the same place. After my first pregnancy, my weight sky rocketed and I could NOT get it off. I tried diet after diet and I hated it. I'm not a fitness professional, but what I recommend is not going on a "diet" but making healthier choices in general. For me, I want to keep the weight off so…
  • Hi there! Welcome! I would love to help you out along the way. Having a strong support system makes it so much easier. :)
  • You have to remember that your metabolism increases the more you work out, so you will need to increase your calorie intake otherwise you will stop losing, or possibly send your body into starvation mode and gain, weight. Increase your intake with clean proteins. I had the same issue at one point during my weight loss and…
  • Hey there, I have scale phobia myself. I weighed myself right before I started my weight loss so I just know where I was and can track achievements. After that, I recommend hiding the scale for yourself and don't weigh yourself for months while you work out/eat right. I have tried weighing myself weekly and found that it…
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