lyssarowan Member


  • Ahh, I've found my WoW junkie friends! I used to be a hardcore raider, but quit about a year ago when I realized I was scheduling EVERYTHING around raiding. I'm a lot more of a casual gamer now (although I *am* taking days off work when cataclysm comes out...) WoW is now my "down time" - I log on, do some quests, piddle…
  • I was doing the Crunch: Candlelight Yoga quite a bit. It's not a strenuous workout, but there's a lot of great stretching and it's really relaxing - it's what I used on non-running days. Kind of in an exercise slump at the moment because of runner's knee and an LCL strain, but I can't wait to get back!
  • I feel so not alone :) I do the same thing - I do keep track of the actual numbers on an ipod app I have that averages weight over time to minimize the effects of those fluctuations, but I just can't stand to do it on here and see my ticker change the wrong way!
  • If it's any consolation, I spent 2 months on week 1 and 3 weeks on week 2. I made it through week 3, but I'm beginning to think I'll never survive week 4. The important thing is just to remember to keep moving and that even if you stay on week 1 you're still ahead of people who never manage to make it off the couch!
  • I just got mine not too long ago, and I love it. I bought the sensor and a pouch from Amazon and ended up spending less than $30. I've found it to be pretty accurate for distance for me. I'm using it in combination with the C25K program (using Robert Ullrey's podcasts from iTunes) and it's been awesome.
  • I had a copper IUD for a long time. The only problems I ever had with it were that my cramps changed from a couple days of "Ow ow ow ow" to a day of "OMGIWANNADIE" - but I've had cramping issues since I was a teenager. If I were to do it again (I'm on Loestrin now) I'd probably try Mirena because of the cramps, but at the…