

  • I had actually quit smoking a year prior to my new fitness "journey" i woke up everymorning feeling enthusiastic and then fullfilled knowing I completed my morning work out to the best of my capabilities. I started smoking again 2 months ago (i have no idea why) but i cant go for aslong with out getting dizzy and light…
  • Im not sure if this has been said but: Muscle weighs more then fat !, you need fat too turn it into muscle, and with weight lifting your probably building muscle and losing fat but its just not showing up on the scale yet !. also, A person doesn't need anymore then 30-40 minutes of intense excersize a day after that your…
  • Hey, I replying based on personal experience, I started my fitness goals at 262, (so im not far off from you !!) the more you weigh the easier it is to lose (to start anyways). I started with only eating 1200, but because of my weight my body was already burning more then average on a daily basis without doing any work…
  • Hey, Im 28, Ive lost 28lbs in total so far, and looking to lose 90 more, Ive done this before, bout a decade ago, so I assume itll be harder now, Im new too MFP aswell. Feel Free Too add me. Helpful tip: Dehydration can sometimes mask itself as hunger, so if you feel the munchies coming on grab a bottle of water (I carry…
  • im not in shape at all. I just do what I can.. its worth it though, the work out in incredible
  • yup!!! haha. idk why its sideways. every picture I put up was sideways